Monday, March 5, 2007

Journalism's 'Watershed' Moment

In the Miami Herald, columnist Carl Hiaasen nails the way the Anna Nicole Smith story has played itself out in mainstream media.

Hiassen writes:

Don't make the mistake of dismissing the Smith story as an anomaly; it's a
media watershed. If the death of a hapless, doped-up ex-model can knock two wars
out of the headlines, there's no end to the squalid possibilities.

We have seen the future, and it's in the gutter.

Well put.


King Devon the Magnificent said...

That really IS well-said. I honestly can't believe the public thrives on the downfalls of those who rise above them. Why isn't personal meritocracy and self-satisfaction enough to get us Americans through the day?!?

Anonymous said...

Hiiasen is a damned genius.